Donations delivered; 120 total bears raised from 2018 campaigns
Sunday, January 6, 2019
Jennifer Halpin, DYB Founder
We are happy to announce that because of DYB | Do Your Best supporters, 54 Wee Bears [TM] were delivered to patients at Valley Children's Hospital on Friday, January 4th!
These cute bears, dressed in holiday/winter-themed costumes, were presented to patients in the Valley Children's Playroom and to the Valley Children's Child Life Department.
Donations were made possible by the Holiday "Buy One Give One" (BOGO) Campaign, where with every stuffed animal purchased, a Wee Bear was set aside for Valley Children's.
Thank you to the DYB Customers for supporting this campaign and bringing comfort to the patients of Valley Children's!
In total, the amount of teddy bears donated to Valley Children's Hospital reached 120 bears with the combination of the 2018 Summer and Holiday BOGO campaigns.
We look forward to offering two more Buy One Give One campaigns in 2019 during the summer and holiday months -- Thanks again!
Follow our Instagram and Facebook pages for more updates as they come!
Instagram: @dyb_doyourbest
Facebook: @DYBstateofmind
DYB | Do Your Best is a registered vendor of Valley Children's Hospital. Visit here for the complete list of registered vendors who hold events for Valley Children's Hospital: